We hope you have enjoyed your stay here at Westgate. We hope that you will think of us again in the future should your housing need change.
It is crucial you have your apartment repaired/cleaned and your keys turned in on time in order to avoid additional fees. If you move out early, you may turn in your keys at that time (you are still responsible for rent and utility payments through the end of your lease agreement). On the day your lease expires, you must be moved out and have all keys turned in to the Office or Gatehouse no later than 12 PM.
You can schedule the final walkthrough ahead of your move out if you would prefer to be there. Appointments for inspection are made by calling the Westgate Leasing Office at least 24 hours in advance. They can be scheduled Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM.
Keys, Laundry Card’s, Car Tags, and Pool Tags are to be returned to the Westgate Office at time of the move out.
Replacement Locks $200
Replacement Apartment Key $25
Replacement Quad Key $50
There will also be a $10.00 charge for each item (laundry card, car tag, and pool tags) that are not returned at the time of vacating.
Make sure you check your mailbox one last time before you leave, Also, supply a correct forwarding address with the post office! We recommend putting your forwarding request in two weeks ahead of your movement. Once you move out we do not have access to the mailboxes.